Jekyll Pagination with Infinite Scroll

Book Review: iOS Programming for .NET Developers

30 Jul 2012

A couple of weeks ago Josh Smith published his latest book, "iOS Programming for .NET Developers", which seeks to ease the transition from .NET to iOS developers. As someone who has many years of .NET experience, and more recently a desire to develop for 'the other side', I thought...

A Gesture-Driven Windows Phone To-Do List - Complete Example

26 Jul 2012

Over the past few weeks I have been working on a Windows Phone to-do list application, inspired by the iPhone Clear app. I have just published the final application over on codeproject. You can see it in action below: Pop over...

An Introduction and Thoughts on Developing iOS Applications with MonoTouch

24 Jul 2012

This blog post describes the creation of a simple twitter search application for iOS, based on a similar application I wrote for Windows Phone a few months back. In this blog post I'll used the MonoTouch platform, which allows you to write iOS applications using C#. This blog posts describes...

The Higgs Boson, Comic Sans and my 15 minutes of Twitter fame

05 Jul 2012

It's been a busy Twitter day for me. A reasonably inane tweet that I posted this morning pointing out that the announcement of the (potential) Higgs Boson discovery was written using the much derided Comic Sans font has been retweeted thousands of times, and has been the top tweet for...

A Developer Perspective on Windows Phone 8 - An Update

22 Jun 2012

My blog post from yesterday "A Developer Perspective on Windows Phone 8" sparked a bit of furious debate on Twitter. I think it is fair to say that I was not the only one who was quite concerned about the impact of...

A Developer Perspective on Windows Phone 8

21 Jun 2012

This blog post takes a look at what Windows Phone 8 (WP8) means for Windows Phone 7 (WP7) developers and the Microsoft development platform in general. This has been a big week for Microsoft; Monday saw them unveil the new...

A gesture-driven Windows Phone to-do application

06 Jun 2012

This blog post describes the implementation of a gesture-based todo-list application. The simple interface is controlled entirely by drag, flick and swipe: So far the application supports deletion and completion of tasks, but not the addition of new ones. I'll get to this in...

KnockoutJS vs. Silverlight - a new CodeProject article

12 Apr 2012

I have just published a new article over on CodeProject called "KnockoutJS vs. Silverlight". It demonstrates the implementation of the same application using both frameworks, and seeks to answer the question "Which is better, Silverlight or Knockout?" It's a bit of...